Beside the usual risk of property damage due to fire and theft, laboratories are also exposed to the risk of error and omission. Laboratory Liability insurance coverage is akin to professional indemnity insurance which covers against the legal liability to pay damages to persons who have sustained financial loss arising from the professional negligence. The insurance indemnifies against professional liability and also the defense cost and expenses incurred in respect of a claim. The typical errors can be mislabeling of samples, mishandling of samples and absence of procedural controls, which resulted in liability claims from clients and third parties who relied on the results or products from the laboratory.
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It is common that in a medical negligence claim medical centres such as hospitals and institutions with medical facilities are also named as defendant besides medical professionals. Doctors usually are covered by their medical professional indemnity insurance offered by medical associations. Medical centres will need to have their own liability insurance to protect themselves from claims arising from the professional negligence. The insurance indemnifies against the liability and also the defense cost and expenses incurred in respect of a claim. The typical claims could be mishandling of patients record and samples, improper set up of surgery and treatment facilities and contamination which resulted in liability claims from patients.
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